This means that your pancreas isn’t producing enough insulin to properly help escort the excess sugar where it needs to go. This is often referred to as “insulin resistance.” The first warning of high blood glucose could be a potential problem, such as being a pre-diabetic. The second warning is when pre-diabetic becomes a type 2 diabetic. Uncontrolled type 2 diabetes could eventually lead up to organ damage and more.

This means that your arteries are not allowing your blood to naturally flow without some kind of resistance. As a result, your blood pressure begins to rise, sometimes unfortunately to dangerously high life threatening levels. Uncontrolled high blood pressure could eventually lead to organ damage and much more.

This means your heart has to work harder to circulate your blood throughout your body because of the resistance your blood encounters as it flows. This is a very unhealthy strain on the heart’s muscles that can potentially lead to the heart being overworked. Uncontrolled excess body weight could eventually lead to organ damage and much more.