About Us

We value and cherish the one thing we believe the world needs much more of. That is love. A love that loves unconditionally without biases. We value love to the utmost, because we believe if we all showed more love, the world might be a lot more peaceful.

This is not an understatement, because we are respectful of all religions. Although we teach from a Christian perspective, we are more concerned about having a relationship with people. In addition, although we’re believers that God is in the midst of everything that we do, not every verbal conversation that we have with someone will include the mentioning of God.

People are welcome to wear whatever they normally wear on a daily basis, dressing up or dressing down at their own discretion. We put no kind of emphasis on what a person should or shouldn’t wear at any of our public or private gatherings. It is truly our belief that God is more interested in what’s in your heart whether than the cloths on your body.

This paragraph doesn’t contradict the previous paragraph. Often, during outreaches and event gatherings, we want to be able to distinguish staff or volunteers within the organization by a #1CCP logo. This is only done to help people know who is who. This is our best approach to helping address the needs, concerns, or questions of people.

In the world that we live in today, many things have become stereotyped, including Christianity. Now some people think that they can observe a person’s actions, their choice of clothing, their choice of music, or their state of being and come to the conclusion of who does or doesn’t look like a Christian. In the Bible, there were examples of Christianity being stereotyped as well. One example was when Jesus was born as the new King. It was doubted, or shall we say stereotyped, because it was questioned, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” (Joh 1:46). This was in question because Nazareth was a place that was frowned upon; therefore, not many people expected anything good to occur there, especially a child that was annointed to be the new King.

We recognize that God works in ways beyond our knowledge, expertise, and wisdom. Therefore, we reframe from stereotyping and just show love.

It is to show our love for the love of God by what we speak, do, and teach. We aim to help improve people’s quality of life and their life choices. When possible, several times a year, we will ALWAYS offer something FREE to the community as an appreciation of thankfulness. It is our hope that this organization will help people emotionally, physically, spiritually, biblically, mentally, and financially.

In 2020, #1CCP, was envisioned to share more love in the world and to create life changing plans that offered people more options to better their health and their decision making process. In addition, we want to offer parents who are considered to have a low-income the opportunity to enroll their children in Christian Academy. This is our best approach to fairness.

The root of all of our teaching comes from the law of God according to what is written in scripture found in the Holy Bible. No topics in the Holy Bible are off-limits for us to publicly or privately speak upon. All topics will be expressed with love, care, compassion, and concern.